Fish Eagle Inn - Naivasha is a very popular place to stay around Naivasha lake. It is situated at only 90 kms from Nairobi City and only 20 km from Naivasha town. The Fish Eagle Inn complex is well located and near to major attractions pf the lake. The grounds have secure ample parking for persons taking the camping option.
Getting to Fish Eagle Inn- Naivasha Kenya
Fish Eagle In is about 110kms from Nairobi, there are two roads going to Naivasha : one going down alongside the escarpment, and one going up towards Naivasha town. The "truck" road going down the escarpment is shorter in distance but after Maai Mahiu town (first town down the hill), there are huge potholes on the road going towards Naivasha Lake.
Accommodation at Fish Eagle Inn- kenya
There are several options of accommodation : Camping, dormitory, three bedrooms, twin bedrooms, double bedrooms and suites. All options have individual shower, WC and terrace.
The cottages and suites are also available at a reasonable cost and they offer greater seclusion and comfort for those who do not wish to leave these luxuries behind even as they travel in the African outback.
Facilities available at Fish Eagle Inn Naivasha
Self contained rooms,
Camping area with lake view & Swimming pool
Bar and restaurant with satellite TV.
Activities in and around Fish Eagle Naivasha
Attractions include the Crater Lake, Hell's Gate National Park, Mount Longonot , Crescent Island, Elsamere Conservation Centre, excursions to sight the prolific Bird-life, Boating, Hiking and Cycling, see the wildlife and the beautiful Flamingoes at Lake Nakuru